
America is being lapped as it comes to our infrastructure investments, quality of roads and bridges, and long-term sustainable funding models. State Business Executives encourages a renewed, bipartisan focus on ensuring a sound, well-funded infrastructure system. These include strengthening “user pays” models, unlocking the full potential of private investment, investing for maximum impact, putting smart regulation to work, accelerating innovation, and planning to maintain what is built. These principles must not only be applied to roads, bridges, public transit and rail. They must also be used to renew ports and inland waterways, aviation infrastructure, drinking and wastewater facilities, and energy infrastructure

Specifically, SBE supports increased investments in our transportation infrastructure. We should actively embrace public-private partnerships and alternative financing methods. Funding should be both sustainable and dedicated. Focus should be on user fees from those that are utilizing roads and bridges. While we support funding roads, bridges, and traditional transit, we encourage innovative multimodal transportation investments driven by local community needs.